The compound of Battambang parish in Battambang City hosts the central office of the Diocese of Battambang. The parish compound is known by the people of Battambang as "Pet Yiey Chee", which means "hospital of grandmother nuns". Pet yiey chee can be understood by its four lines of action
1. Health:
The Welcome Centre for shelter the Sick in Battambang has six main apostolates. One of them, the Hearing Aid Program, is run in partnership with Jesuit Service Cambodia.
2. Support to children with disabilities:
Support to children with disabilities Cambodia is one of the countries with highest number of physically disabled people due to landmines and difficulties of accessing basic health services. The Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang seeks solution to the difficulties for disabled people accessing education, health care and job opportunities.
3. Education
Cambodia has one of the youngest populations in the world; therefore, education is considered essential to future development. In Petyieychee there are different projects such us:
4. The church
The Apostolic prefecture office is in the compound of
Petyieychee. From here we lead and encourage the
prefecture’s 26 communities. These communities work to heal wounds of war and to develop their areas, with
special attention to those most in need.
The parish of Battambang, besides the religious services, has organizations for young people, social help for the elderly, music groups (traditional and contemporary) soccer clubs and various other activities to create community integration.
In Apostolic Prefecture we also have the Mgr. Oscar Romero Pastoral Centre, which offers catechism classes, promotes culture and arts and has a department of communication and mass media. The centre nurtures social awareness that promotes accompaniment and support of the community at large.